Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Seeking Answers

I miss hunting already. I made the decision to trade in my traps and camps, to pursue the medical profession. I decided to master the doctor profession as a way to help me understand what is happening to me, but I find I’m no closer to an answer to this problem then I was before.
While having to maintain a close proximity to a medical facility, in order to tend to the wounded, or craft medical supplies, I feel I’m about to explode from all the emotions I feel around me.
I know when I was hunting, I was often away from cities and people, and so this may have been why I hadn’t noticed this feedback. I mentioned to my guild what I have been experiencing and Veki, my guild leader said that more then likely I had somehow become attuned to the force. “The force?” I said. “You mean like what Jedi’s are supposedly attuned to?” She nodded an affirmative. I couldn’t believe it, I mean, I thought that potential Jedi were identified at a very early age and taken from their families to be trained. Veki went on to tell me that sometimes people become force sensitive later on in life, she didn’t know why, just that it happens.
Well I think I know why. I think that old man the came to me out of nowhere had something to do with it.
Veki went on to tell me about a village on Dathomire that might shed some light on what I have been trying to deal with on my own. When she mentioned this village, my first thought was of Max. He had said he was going to a village on Dath to seek help on his issues. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was coincidental.
I will check to see if I might find out where this village is located, and possibly make my way there. In the meantime I have to run to the med center and put in more time.
Gemi, another guild mate said she would come to the Theed med center to help me as best she can with my internment for doctor. I really love having help doing this, and having guild mates around to assist is the best. Maybe I can take her out and get some hunting in, just for practice.


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