Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Seeking Answers

I miss hunting already. I made the decision to trade in my traps and camps, to pursue the medical profession. I decided to master the doctor profession as a way to help me understand what is happening to me, but I find I’m no closer to an answer to this problem then I was before.
While having to maintain a close proximity to a medical facility, in order to tend to the wounded, or craft medical supplies, I feel I’m about to explode from all the emotions I feel around me.
I know when I was hunting, I was often away from cities and people, and so this may have been why I hadn’t noticed this feedback. I mentioned to my guild what I have been experiencing and Veki, my guild leader said that more then likely I had somehow become attuned to the force. “The force?” I said. “You mean like what Jedi’s are supposedly attuned to?” She nodded an affirmative. I couldn’t believe it, I mean, I thought that potential Jedi were identified at a very early age and taken from their families to be trained. Veki went on to tell me that sometimes people become force sensitive later on in life, she didn’t know why, just that it happens.
Well I think I know why. I think that old man the came to me out of nowhere had something to do with it.
Veki went on to tell me about a village on Dathomire that might shed some light on what I have been trying to deal with on my own. When she mentioned this village, my first thought was of Max. He had said he was going to a village on Dath to seek help on his issues. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was coincidental.
I will check to see if I might find out where this village is located, and possibly make my way there. In the meantime I have to run to the med center and put in more time.
Gemi, another guild mate said she would come to the Theed med center to help me as best she can with my internment for doctor. I really love having help doing this, and having guild mates around to assist is the best. Maybe I can take her out and get some hunting in, just for practice.

Monday, April 25, 2005

What a terrible Week

First I told Highway I couldn’t marry him, next Maxell is going away. Two men that I hold dear to my heart are out of my life…for the moment, maybe a long moment! I don’t know yet.
I’d been having a feeling in the back of my mind for several weeks. A feeling I couldn’t place. Not a bad feeling, or a good feeling, a feeling I can best describe as hearing the ocean roar when you place a shell against your ear. I now believe this started when I got a visit from an old man while in the wilds of Naboo.
I had met Highway at the Theed medical center, Naboo. Highway has been busy putting in his hours as I have healing and treating the many wounded that come in from the field. We both have to put in our time as interns to earn becoming qualified doctors.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to tell Highway that I didn’t want to marry, I mean I hadn’t said anything to him up to this point about my feelings. I guess its one of my fallacies. I know that I hold my feelings about a lot of things deep inside. I guess it’s because of what happened to my family, and my training in the army.
Highway met me with a hug and a kiss, but when I didn’t return the same towards him in quite the same manner, he knew something was wrong. When he asked, I asked him to sit down and I went on to tell him I couldn’t marry him. He was hurt I could see that in his face, but what happened afterwards caught me by complete surprise! When we parted I could feel him in my mind, I could actually hear him in his hurt and sorrow, feel his emotions as if they were my own. That ocean I had been hearing had finally roared to shore!
I feel as if my mind has somehow opened up to a universe I never knew. I’m sorry that I had to do this to Highway, I do love him…but until I can sort out what is happening to me, I grateful that I did what I felt I had to do at the time.
What a strange thing, to feel what is going on around me in this manner. It hasn’t stopped yet.
Later in the week, Maxell asked me to come to Scarlets Temple on Dantooine. When I asked what was going on, He said all would be explained when I got there.
When I arrived at the temple, Max was there by himself, Scarlet came soon after I arrived. The news that Max had to tell shocked me, and I think Scarlet even worse.
Max was leaving for an indefinite period of time. He feels he knows what is going on with him. Max believes he will find the help he needs at a village located on Dathomire, for this split personality thing that he has been going through.
Max has asked me to watch over the temple and scarlet, to help protect both. I only hope I’m up for the task.
Max started going over details with Scarlet, when a new person came into the temple. Her name is Tempestia, a Zebrak woman. Max introduced us, and explained that Tempe will be helping Scarlet with her training.
When Max started outlining his plans to Scarlet I excused myself and went out side. A lot of good this did me. Though I couldn’t hear what was being said inside, I could feel their emotions. I couldn’t shut if off, no matter what I tried to do.
I made my way over to a small hill, not far from the temple and started to cry. Max came out, and sat next to me. I could see in his eyes the sadness; I could feel his emotional torment.
When Max asked me what was wrong I told him, how I felt. I told him that I love him, that I always have. I told him that I love Scarlet, and will do all that I can to protect her and the temple. I offered to go to this village with him, but this he shot down, telling me that this was something he had to face alone.
Even though I don’t like what he is doing, I have to let him go. I may just have to sneak to the village myself…I don’t know. Maybe Scarlet can guild me in her meditation techniques and help me find out what is wrong with me. I just don’t know what I’m going to do.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Prelude: Avios (Past, Part One)

(This story is to fill a gap in my RP (Role Playing) universe. Within Star Wars Galaxy, I have a son named Avios Snow. How he came into the story was never fully thought out. This has left many questions unanswered. With this story I hope to explain and answer a few of these questions. Again I want to apologize for the length). Ebe =)

I think I mentioned else where in this diary, that I had a son. His name is Avios. He is pretty much grown now, but if not for a good friend, named Jooon; Max, and I would never have known we were his parents and he our son. Avios’s story started not with his birth, but further back then that, when I was still a recruit in boot camp for the Imperial Army.
Being one of a handful of girls that qualified to enter as an officer recruit, I had to work three times harder to be accepted into the ranks, and I had an even harder time squelching the testosterone run rampant in the good old boys club called the Imperial Army. The officers were impressed enough with my shooting and tracking skills *thank you daddy* that when not in a class of one type or another I was pretty much left on my own.
I love a challenge, and challenging the others to shooting matches, where I could pick up a few extra credits to get some of the non-regulation items that the army felt were not necessary or needed in their Corps. but are badly needed if your female, was a good way to pass the time between classes.
Most of the guys I bet against were good-natured about the whole thing, but for one man named Grant, and his group of minions of the Darkwings it was different.
I had beat Grant and his boys on several occasions, with the last time taking them for quite a few credits, something, like a months pay. I was walking back to my dorm well after sunset, having spent the better part of the day at the library studying, when I was grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground. Before I had a chance to call out, a huge rough hand was placed over my mouth, and other hands lifted me from the ground and held me fast. Darkwings!
Grant walked out of the shadows, leering at me. I couldn’t speak, but my eyes spoke volumes as I glared at him. “So girl, you didn’t think I would let you take our credits and not get something in return did you?” he growled. “I think you owe me and my men here some compensation for the embarrassment you put us through”.
I wish I could say that I fought them all off or took them all out, but I couldn’t, there were to many of them. I did put up a struggle, but there comes a time when you know that to continue to fight might get you killed, and being dead, one cannot take back what is taken from them. I endure the humiliation and abuse they gave me that night, and when they had, had enough, and left me lying battered and disheveled on the ground, my only thought was that I would make them pay for this.
I don’t know how long I lay there, but I finally managed to pick myself up and make my way to my dorm room. I staggered into the fresher and looked in the mirror, what I saw looking back at me was a mess. I had blood covering most of my face, and I had a pretty nasty looking gash on my forehead.
I was bruised all over, but I didn’t have anything broken except my dignity. As I ran through what had happened and how lucky I was to be alive I promptly threw up and then sat on the floor and wept. I got undressed and stood in the shower rinsing the filth from my body and mind, and as I stood there letting the water run over me, I plotted to extract my revenge on Grant and his thugs. I just needed to wait for the right time to do so.
The opportunity presented itself a couple of days later. I was in the cantina sitting at the bar nursing a beer. I was still smoldering over what had taken place, and still trying to put a plan together in my mind, when Sgt. Sheldon walked in, I now had plan.
Sgt. Sheldon thought of himself as a man that could out fight, out shoot, and out drink anyone, and when challenged to any of the fore mentioned, didn’t hesitate to try and prove it. I had gone up against him a couple of times on the range, and though an excellent shot, I was better, and could have beaten him, but didn’t, only because it could go bad on a recruit to out shoot their instructor.
Sgt. Sheldon was one of the few enlisted to carry a code card to the armory. I watched him intently out of the corner of my eye, as he made his way over to some of the other instructors in the cantina. I only needed to figure out a way to get his card off of him, gain access to the armory, grab a laser rifle, instill a little justice on the Darkwings, and Grant in particular, and then get the rifle back to the armory, all without being noticed. “Piece of cake” I thought, “yeah right”.
I watched as the Sgt. and the others bet drinks on Sabacc and other games of chance, getting louder and more boisterous as the evening wore on. I gulped down the last of the beer I had been nursing, and made my way over to where Sgt. Sheldon and the others were. It didn’t take long before the Sgt. Spotted me standing off to the side.
“Lightcloud!” He bellowed good naturally, a slight slur to his voice “Get you rookie ass over here and let me see if you’re as good at drinkin, as you are with a rifle”. As I approached the table I caught a look from Sgt. Sheldon and the others. Sheldon grimaced as he looked at me, having noticed the shiner I got from the Darkwings, but he didn’t ask about it.
“Sir I don’t think I’m allowed to fraternize with the instructors sir” I said.
“Nonsense Lightcloud, were all off duty” he slurred. “Now get in here and show us what your made of”.
A large mug of Jawa beer was thrust into my hand, as the others all laughed and whooped it up. I held it up for all to see, smiling inwardly, knowing that this was just what I was hoping would happen.
Sgt. Sheldon went on to explain. “Ok Lightcloud, here’s how it works. The first one to empty their glass wins. The winner gets to choose the losers poison. So at the count of three, we start”.
I had seen him drink, and I knew I couldn’t guzzle beer down the way he did, but I also knew that he was already way past his limit. I looked him in the eye and gave him my best smile and said “ready when you are”
“Humph” he said. “Lightcloud I look forward to picking your poison.
The other started to count down and at three Sgt. Sheldon started gulping.
I just stood there with my beer in my hand watching him. As he gulped, he kept looking over the rim of his mug at, wonder why I hadn’t started. Just as he was about to finish the last swallow, I took my beer and gave him another quick smile and poured it into another mug sitting on the table.
I thought he was going to choke on that last swallow, his eyes grew very big and he sprayed the last of the beer in his mouth all over the table and people gathered around. The crowd had gone completely quiet, staring at the Sgt. and me.
“What the…” Sgt. Sheldon bellowed “Sithspawn Lightcloud! I’ll be dragged through Bantha dung!” and the room roared! “I’ve drank against the best the army has to offer, but that is the first time anyone ever pulled a little trick like that on me. I don’t quite know if that’s cheating.” He growled, obviously upset that I showed him up in front of his peers. “The bets off!!” he shouted. “This whelp pulled a fast one on me and I wont stand for it!” With that he turned and stormed out of the cantina.
Like I mentioned earlier, I had been watching him since the moment he walked in. I had watched him take off his jacket and remove the chain and card he had around his neck and place it in the jacket pocket, then hang it on the back of a chair. When he left the cantina, he forgot his jacket.
I quickly took up his jacket and saying to no one in particular “I’ll take it to him” and ran out of the cantina as if to catch up to the Sgt.
Instead of heading to the NCO barracks, I instead headed towards the armory. When I got there I was in luck, there was only one sentry on duty, and he looked very bored. I waited till he walked around the corner on his rounds and made my way to the door. Using Sgt Sheldon pass card I quickly got inside and made to the area where the rifles were stored. I made my way up and down the rows of rifles till I found one that had a good charge. I found a T21 model, but figured that would be overkill for what I wanted to do, so I settled for the standard issue laser rifle and found my way back out of the armory and into the pre dawn darkness.
The Darkwings had their barracks off in a semi-secluded area from the main complex, but not so far removed that getting to the dinning hall wasn’t a long walk. I found a nice hill over looking their barracks and the dinning hall and set down to wait.
As I sat there I started having second thoughts. I was beginning to doubt that I could do this, I felt that doing this really put me in the same league as them, but these thoughts quickly dissolved when I thought back to that night, and the humiliation I had to endure.
Movement caught my attention; three of the darkwings had come out of the barracks making for the dinning hall. One of them I recognized, “Sampson” by far the largest of the bunch, and the one that placed his huge hand across my mouth that night.
The sun was just starting to rise above the horizon to my back, so I knew I had the advantage of not being seen. I lay in the prone position, and sighted in on Sampson. I only had one chance to pull this off so I knew I needed to be dead on.
Squeezing the trigger, the laser rifle bucked slightly in my arms. The high energy bolt sliced through the air and hit its mark. The shot hit Sampson just below the knee severing his lower leg cleanly. I love the laser weapons, they do as much damage as the kinetic types, but without the mess, cauterizing the wound instead of blowing a hole big enough to drive a star destroyer through.
I quickly picked myself up and headed in a run back towards the armory, all the while cleaning the rifle as I ran. I could hear in the distance behind me, yelling and shouting as people started to come out to see what was going on.
I again didn’t have any trouble getting back into the armory and placed the rifle back where I had found it, in my hurry I banged my head on an overhear rack and reopened the wound I had on my forehead. Damn it hurt, but I didn’t have time to worry right then.
Getting clear of the armory, I then made my way over to the NCO barracks and dropped off Sgt. Sheldon’s jacket in his personal drop box. Then I made my way back towards where all the noise was coming from.
A sizable crowd had gathered, so I worked my way towards the center to get a better look at what I had done. Sampson was being loaded into a medical transport right then, and when an intern walked up holding his severed leg, he blanched and let out a most satisfying scream. I thought that maybe I should have just killed him outright, but I wanted to get a message to Grant, his keeper. Just thinking of that creep makes my blood boil.
I felt I was being watched, and when I looked into the crowd I saw him across from me staring…right at me. I had seen him before. Snow was his name. Him and another worked out on the courses tending the injured that show up while running the courses. My mind raced! Why was he staring at me? I quickly inventoried myself and all that I had just done, and could not think of anything that made me conspicuous. So why was he staring at me? Anger! “Great, just what I didn’t need right then” I thought. He motioned with his head while looking at me, that he wanted me to move away from this scene, and go over to the side away from the group.
“Blast” I really, really didn’t need this right now, but I did as he indicated and moved towards a quiet area. His partner fell in behind me…”what for?” I thought, if this was going to be another incident like I had with the Darkwing, I was going to let them both know that I’m not easy prey. Snow’s partner held back and looked to be actually ensuring that we weren’t being followed. This was strange, but not know what was going to happen I kept my guard up.
Snow made his way over to where I stood; glancing around making sure he hadn’t been followed. He strode right up to me with a confidence I hadn’t seen in other recruits, looked me right in the eyes he asked point blank “Why did you attack him?”
“Oh Crap!” I thought. The anger within me drained away to be replaced with fear. Shocked, I blurted out before thinking, “How? How did you know? He didn’t even know” He looked at me with his dark blue eyes and smiled. “I didn’t” he said, “I had assumed, and you just confirmed it”.
“Sithspawn!” I though, panic starting to set in at having just given myself away. Snow must have seen this in my face, for he shook his head no, assuring me I had nothing to worry about. He knelt down and looked at my face, grimacing at the bruise around my eye. “Someone needed to take those punks down a few notches” he stated, “You just got to it before I did”.
I looked back into his eyes, looking for some sort of deceit, but none was there. This guy actually seemed to care about me. I gave him a slight smile, and mused, “I was so far away, it was a simple, clean shot”. He nodded his head while he examined my eye. Taking a med pack offered from his partner. He placed it on the cut I had reopened on my forehead and asked, “Where did you get the rifle from?”
I don’t know why, but I felt I could. I felt I needed to tell someone. I told him all that had happened, from taking the Darkwings credits, to Grant, that terrible night, all the way through till he had spotted me standing in the crowd.
When I was done giving him the whole story, Max, (yes his name is Maxell Snow and his partner’s name is Josh) simply asked me “So what now Ebe?”.
I thought a second, and then shrugged, “That depends on the Darkwings. If they leave me alone, it’s over. If Grant tries to touch me again, I will take out another one of his boys”, I said evenly.
Max and Josh but raised their eyebrows at what I just said, and looked at each other a moment. Max looked at me, a slight scowl on his face “Heh, very well, but do not underestimate the Darkwings, they have friends in high places”.
What was it with these two? I looked at the two of them and wondered why they seemed so concerned with me? Why hadn’t Max or Josh ran to the nearest officer and turn me in? I stared at Max for a moment then asked. “Why the concern? Why do you even care about me? What’s in it for you?”
“I…I cannot say” he started. “We have been tasked with watching you. His eyes went to the ground, as if embarrassed with what he was telling me. “The way you are treated by some of the others…is intolerable. Certain…officers see promise in you. They want to be sure you are given a fair shot”.
“What the Kark!” I thought. I know that I am in favor with some of the officers, but to have someone actually be tasked to keep an eye on me, was to much. I Stood glaring at these two, my anger coming back. “Sorry, but I don’t need your help!” I said strongly. “I have always, and I mean always, been able to take care of myself. You two can waste your time helping one of the other skirts! Don’t concern yourself we me!” With that I turned and left, leaving both of them with their mouths hanging open.

To be continued…

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Beach Party

Woohoooo!! I received an e-mail inviting me to a beach party being hosted by the most awesome entertainment group in the galaxy CoE. Anif a member of the group and a dear friend sent me the invitation. She said in her mail that she was in need of fishing bait for the fishing contest they were having as part of the fun and games, and wanted to know if I could help.
Hell yeah!! I could help I love fishing! It’s a great way to spend the afternoon just relaxing and having fun at the same time. Besides, if all she needed was the chum bait, I could keep the fillets and sell them to a chef or something.
Damn, I also needed to find a bathing suit for this party. Its funny, but I never bothered to buy one, I guess when you make your living hunting and tracking, a bathing suit just isn’t something you need.
I commed Highway and told him of the party, he thought a party would be a lot of fun and he would love to go. I told him what I needed to do for Anif, and we agreed to meet in Theed and do some fishing out by the long bridge. I had managed to get hold of Anif, and asked her if she knew where I could find a bathing suit. She gave me the comm. addy to a friend and fellow CeO member named Hellen that is a tailor. I was told she was expecting my call. I thanked Anif and comm’ed Hellen. I had a new bathing suit that same day!!
We had a day to get some fishing in before the party. Neither one of us had any bait on us when we met up in Theed, and after searching the bazaar without any luck we headed out to the fields outside of Theed to see if we could forage some bait. It took awhile but finally we found some and started fishing.
We spent most of that afternoon fishing. I caught several different species of fish, Faa’s, Stripped, Black, and Blue. Highway was having a tough time, the fish kept stealing his bait or just as he was about to land one, it would break his line and take off. Every time this happened I would hear coming from his direction some of the most colorful language in the galaxy.
The day of the party I met Highway again in Theed near the star port. The aypoint I had been given by Anif wasn’t all that far from Theed, so we decided to ride our swoops to the location. The sun was just starting to set as we made our way to the party. What a beautiful evening. Highway joked about not knowing it was going to be a twilight party, and hoped they had a fire going or we would both be pretty cool in our suits if it weren’t.
Highway and I rode into the party location just as the sun set. To our surprise there was in fact a couple of fires going. The location they has chosen was awesome, a long, wide white sandy beach, palm trees, the bon fires, it was just so beautiful! We had arrived a bit early, many people were running around taking care of last minute details.
I spotted Anif, busily hustling around the area, running here and there. I managed to catch up with her and after exchanging hugs, I gave her the fishing bait for the contest later. She apologized for the chaos, and took off once again to manage setting up.
I looked at Highway and we both went to the cabana that was set up to change into proper beach attire. Highway looked so cute in his surfer shorts, and I told him so He told me I looked absolutely fabulous in my new suit.
I recognized many of the faces that were there at the party, some old friends, others I had seen from my travels. Highway and I made the rounds meeting many new people in the process. I love being with Highway, and I think if we had been here for any other reason, it quiet easily would have been a very romantic night We broke free from the people around us and walked down to the waters edge. Enjoying Highways company, the water lapping at the shore I was content to just stand with him. As I was looking over to Highway I noticed a couple up near the fire pit. Avios!! one of the few men in my life that truly makes me happy, but then he is my son.
Avios wasn’t alone, I noticed, he had a very pretty young woman with him. I worry about so many aspects of his life, one being that he isn’t alone, that he has someone in his life to be with, to give him balance and purpose, to love.
I grabbed Highway by the hand and pulled him in the direction of where Avios and his friend were standing. “Hi Mom!” he greeted me. “Hi baby” I said and gave him a hug and kiss to his cheek. I know I embarrass him with my affection for him, but I don’t care, I love my son!
Avios, once past the being flustered, introduced me to his friend. Her name is Honney, a very pretty, courteous young woman, with aspirations of being a master tailor. I watched these two most of the day during the party and I think there is definitely something more then friendship with these two. I like her .
I introduced Highway to Avios and Honney, and right away I could feel a tension between him and my son. They shook hands and were cordial with each other. I will have my work cut out for me to ease this underlying animosity. I let it go for now, I just wanted to have fun, and be with Highway.
The rest of the day I spent with Highway. I entered the fishing contest, and surprised myself by taking second place! Considering half way through the contest all the bait I had given Anif, was gone. I spent a lot of the time foraging for more bait so the others could fish lol.
There was a droid fighting contest, and I entered that too. Poor “peep” my first generation fighting droid was helplessly out classed. When it can his turn to fight, he was matched up against a Probot! Peep gave it all he had, though he wasn’t a great fighting droid, he has heart, and gave it all he had. Later he was allowed to fight once more against a droid closer to his skill, and he again showed he has heart, but not much. He lost that round also.
The day was full of fun and excitement, one I will cherish for a long, long time. Highway and I said our goodbyes and headed back to Theed content and happy that we both got what we needed.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Meeting with Scarlet

Highway was back to his old self again, meaning he had recovered nicely from the trouble we ran into while scouting out rebel positions near Hendola, Naboo. Him feeling better also meant that every time I tried to discuss anything with him, he would interject with suggestion of romantic interludes. Lol, I love him dearly, but sometimes his mind is only going in one direction. He doesn’t like it, but I’ve nicknamed him “One-track” .
We were having one such discussion, when my comm. went off. I looked to see who it was and was surprised to see it was scarlet! I had made a not to myself to call her about Max, but hadn’t had the chance to do so, with Highway recovering.
Our conversation on the comm. was short. It was as I thought, about Max’s behavior, she had experienced pretty much the same thing with him. We agreed to meet on Corellia, as it was half way between where we both were. Her on Dantooine, and I on Naboo. We would meet somewhere outside the city limits to Coronet.
I told her I was with Highway, and just needed to explain to him what was going on and that I would be on my way shortly. Though Highway knew first hand Max’s rage I felt it would be better to meet Scarlet alone. I love Highway, and I knew all I had to do was ask for his help and he would come running, but this was a matter between two women that were close to Maxell, and cared for him deeply.
Highway agreed somewhat grudgingly to me going alone, but in the end said he understood and that I was to comm. him if anything came up. I promised him I would, that I would tell him when I arrive on Correllia to let him know I got there ok.
I gave Highway a kiss and hug, and headed to the starport to prep my Sorosub for the flight to Correlia

Correllia has changed! There is a strong rebel presence here. I found out the hard way. As I was unpacking my swoop to ride out to where I was to meet Scarlet, a rebel guard jumped me. It’s a good thing I never travel unarmed or I would have definitely found myself in a cloning center. I contacted Highway as promised, but didn’t relay what had just happened.
Scarlet wasn’t to far out of town, she set up a small camp near a small village on the shore. When I came upon her she was happily playing with a large cat She greeted me with a warm hug and smile, and invited me to sit down.
Its wonderful to see Scarlet, though she wore the look of worry, as I do, she still looked so much better then the last time we met. Then she was still recovering from the ordeal of having Meela, her little girl. Scarlet just radiates warmth, strength and caring like none I have known before. I’m so grateful to have her as a friend.
We sat for a long time discussing Max. The strange behavior that seems to come and go at will with him. We both feel that this is something that will just have to run its course, that to bring an outsider in on this could cause problems with the army and the empire. We agreed we would both work to keep an eye on him. She would make herself available for when he wanted to hunt; I would try to be there when he went on missions.
With a plan in place we embraced and promised to keep in contact. I left her at her camp, and headed back into corellia. I only hope that I can truly be of help to Max and Scarlet.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Missing pilots, Highway, and Maxell

I had to take a break from trying to locate this missing pilot. I had gone to Bestine and met with Lt. Vash, who instructed me to contact a Lt. Monsel. I found him in the Bestine cantina (why didn’t this surprise me). Lt. Monsul told me that I was to assist in locating a down pilot, and that finding him was of the utmost importance.
I took my orders and traveled back and forth between Tatooine and Rori several times following leads from other sentient species, that either thought they had seen him or last saw him in different locations. The last place I ended up in was back on Rori a few thousand kilometers from Narmal. I was very tired from all the travel and when I approached the waypoint I was given from my last contact, several Blacksun thugs jumped me.
I was thrown to the ground and pummeled by them into unconsciousness. I woke in the cloning center, black and blue. I felt that if I had been pacing myself as I should have, I wouldn’t have been so tired, and I wouldn’t have been ambushed the way I had.
I was so tired… I made my way out of the cloning center and slowly made my way across town towards the star port. I didn’t quite make it. I started feeling dizzy and weak, so I sat down on the steps to the shops across from the star port to rest.
My comm. buzzing on my belt startled me. I must have fallen asleep! Gods, how could I have let myself get so drained? I looked at my comm. to see who was calling and saw that it was Highway. My heart soared just seeing that it was he, and I have truly missed him while I had been out in the field, but to be honest I wasn’t really up for a conversation or for that matter seeing anyone, not in my present condition.
He must have sensed something was wrong, though I thought I had done a pretty good job of masking any fatigue in my voice. Highway persisted in asking me for my location, and if I was all right. I tried to assure him I was fine, just tired, and relented, giving him my where-a-bouts.
I again was startled to wakefulness by Highway gently shaking me. “Damn”, I really was tired.
“Ebe? Are you ok?” he asked.
A smile spread across my face as I looked up at him “yeah” I said, “I’m just really tired is all”.
He stood there looking me over. I though that I must look awful, like some street beggar, but Highway in his sweetness assured me I looked just fine to him.
Highway helped me to my feet and with his strong arms guided me towards the medical center to have some of my cuts and bruises looked at, and I’m sure to also make sure that I didn’t collapse in the middle of the street.
At the med center, Highway found a doctor and I was led to a bed where I was immediately placed on fluids and medication. Highway conferred with the doctor for a bit, and then came over to sit beside the bed. “Well it looks like your going to be just fine” he started, “The doctor assures me that there is nothing too serious with you, that a little best rest wont fix. He has given you a mild sedative to help you fall asleep, and the medication your getting now will take care of the cuts and bruises you have”.
I looked at him sitting there beside the bed, the concern on his face. How lucky I am to have this caring, wonderful man in my life. I gave him a weak but sincere smile, and with my hand in his, I drifted off to sleep the sleep of the dead.
What a miracle a couple of days of rest does to the body and soul!. I felt like a new woman. I hadn’t felt this good in ages. The doctor had come into the room and with a big grin, pronounced me fit to leave. I had been in the med center for 3 days. 3 days!! I had slept almost the entire time I was there. The doctor told me that after he gave me the initial sedative that first night when Highway brought me in, he hadn’t given me anymore, that I had slept away two days on my own. Gods I knew I was fatigued, but I had know idea that I was that bad.
Highway left a note for me saying that he knew I was in good hands, and that he loved me and missed me. He said that the attendants would contact him when I was to be released, and that he would come for me.
My comm. buzzed and I was glad to see it was Highway, and not Lt. Monsul. ( I will need to contact him about my current mission status soon). The attendants were good to their word and Highway had been called and notified that I had been set free. Highway met me at the Narmal Hotel where I had decided to go to wait for his arrival. After our customary hugs and kisses we gathered my things and set off to the starport to make passage back to Naboo. Highway had brought his TIE, so we weren’t able to travel together, so I booked passage on a freighter and told him I would see him in Theed.
Highway and I spent a couple of wonderful days together around theed catching up on what had been going on. I told him of what I had been up to, that had left me so drained. He told me he had spent the time while I was in the hospital on Tatooine assisting an old Rifleman with getting much needed hides and meat to the Jawa’s. He told me that as a reward for his efforts the old man had some really nice polished Bol skulls he was parting with. I thought that if he still needed help I could run out there and do that also.
Our time together was interrupted by a comm. from Lt. Vash. I was chewed out for not contacting Lt. Monsul, and that I would be dealt with for my transgressions. He went on to say that I could leave Lt. Monsuls mission for the time being as he had something more important to take care of. I was told that I was to head out and investigate some possible rebel activity near the town of Hendola. I told him I would get on it as soon as possible and signed off.
I looked at Highway and shrugged. He gave me a warm smile and simply asked if I was up to the assignment. I felt great, and after all Lt. Vash said I was to look into it, not to necessarily take action. So yeah, I was up to it. Highway said he would come along as he didn’t have anything pressing at the moment. I think he wanted to just keep an eye on me, but I didn’t tell him that. I just smiled at him. We set about checking gear and weapons, making sure we had everything we would need, and headed to the shuttle to grab the first ride to Hendola.
We arrived Hedola just at sunset and set off in a Southwesterly direction. I maintain a couple of storage sheds on the outskirts of this town, so I know the land pretty good and figured that if the rebels were indeed in the area it would most likely be in this direction, for it offered many small valleys to work from, and it would have been the area I would have chosen to run covert ops from if it had been me.
It didn’t take us long to start running into signs of a rebel presence. With both myself and Highway being Master Rangers, finding the little clues left by their passage was not difficult. A standard issue alliance boot print here, alliance issue ration wrappers there, the trail led us right to the foot of a small hill only a few kilometers from town.
We slowly worked our way to the top of the hill, when the sounds of fighting drifted to our ears. As we crested the hillock made me gasp!. There stood Maxell right in the middle of several rebels, pounding and slashing! He was fighting, as I had never seen him do before, alone, no pets, hand-to-hand! A couple of the rebels had their weapons out and were firing in his direction. Max looked to be overwhelmed, so I took aim at the closest of the rebels and fired! From that point on, things got blurry. I could see Max out of the corner of my eye, fighting like a mad man still surrounded by the rebels! I fired on target after target with my DXR6…acquire target…aim…fire!!, repeat.
I lost Highway in the confusion of the firefight. I could only hope he was ok, Max started yelling, “Why are you here! Why can’t you leave us alone! We don’t need you here” at first I thought he was yelling at the rebels around him, but when I looked in his direction, I saw that he was yelling this to me! The last of the rebels fell, and I stood there looking at Max with a confused look on my face. “Max! what?” He stood staring back at me a fire in his eyes like I had never seen before “Be content with what is let of us!!” he yelled back, then bolted in the opposite direction. “Max!! wait! what’s wrong with you! I yelled after him.
I thought Max had ran right into the Rebel compound, so that’s where I went. “Damn it Max!” I thought as I cautiously entered the compound building. “Great, were both going to get killed in here” but the building turned out to be empty, no sign of Max either. I made my way out and away from the building and stood there trying to figure out just what happened.
Oh My God! Highway!! I had completely forgotten him in all the confusion of the fight and with Max. I frantically started searching for him, hoping that he was ok.
I found him lying on the ground, blood covering his armor, soaking the ground where he lay. “Oh Highway, what have you done” I thought. I had med packs on me and started to apply them to the wounds that I could see. I knew if I couldn’t get the blood to stop flowing I would lose him! I couldn’t go on myself if I lost him, not like this.
I was struggling to keep up with the blood loss, when I was shoved away! “Max!”
“You should keep a better eye on your boyfriend” he said roughly as he applied an advance med pack to Highways wound stopping the flow of blood.
“He’s not to smart is he?” he smirked, “running into that turret over there”. I looked in the direction Max pointed and saw what had taken down Highway.
“Max!? What is karking wrong with you?” I asked, astounded at the way he was behaving. “this is not like you!”
Max just looked at me, his eyes still smoldering. “There he should live” he said.
Highway had gained consciousness and tried to get up. “Don’t move Hun, not yet” I said, but Highway pushed past me and sat up. Though weak, he looked at Max, a fire of his own in his eyes.
“Maxell, thank you for treating my wounds, saving my life no doubt, but don’t you take that tone with Ebe, we were both trying to help”.
The savage look intensified on Max’s face “What makes you think we needed help!?” he barked and started to move away. “Leave us alone! Your not needed! Be happy with what you have left!” and with that he was gone.
Highway and I both stared at where Max had been, mouths hanging open. I couldn’t believe what we had just heard and saw. I helped Highway to his feet, steadying him till he assured me he could travel. We talked about what just happened, and agreed that Max was definitely not himself. I was so worried about him. In all the time we were together he had never spoken to me that way.
On our way back to Hendola I thought to try my Comm. and see if I could raise Max. I was actually a bit surprised when he answered. “Hello?” he said.
“Max? its Ebe! What the hell was that all about?” I asked, genuine concern in my voice.
“Ebe? Hi, how are you?” he replaied.
What the Kark? “Max, what is going on? I’ve never seen you act so savage, so rude”.
“Ebe, what are you talking about?”
I looked at Highway and he looked as confused as I felt.
“Max, the whole incident that just happened, the rebels? The fierce fight we were all just in? what is going on? I pleaded.
“Ebe, laughter, I have no Idea what your talking about, I’m here, at home sitting in my bath”.
This was getting to be too weird, something was definitely wrong with Max. I tried to explain everything that had just happened, but it was like he didn’t know anything about it. I pleaded that he go see a doctor and at least have a medical eval. Done, but he seemed to think I was the one that had gone off the deep end.
I ended the conversation with him frustrated, confused and scared. He said he would see a doc, when he had the time, but I felt that he probably wouldn’t.
Highway and I made it back to Hendola with out incident. He was feeling stronger and though I tried to talk him out of it, he insisted on flying his TIE back to Theed to get proper care at the med center.
After Highway had gone, I sat at the shuttle port in Hendola for a long time, just thinking. I need to talk to someone about this. I need to talk to Scarlet!.